Screening September 2023


20. September 2023 -

Mr. Anderson is looking for his lost time and is meeting magic creatures along his way. The philosophical personas are giving him their thoughts where his lost time might have gone until he has a major insight himself….A Prequel of Dimension Z.
Filmemacher/in: Masha Kirillova
Dauer/Jahr: 06:47min / 2023


20. September 2023 -

Experimental Dokumentarfilm
Filmemacher/in: Catri Foot
Dauer/Jahr: 06:00min / 2023

The Judgement Card

20. September 2023 -

An experimental horror-montage which asks the question: what if your fear makes disappear you? Shot in Japan and France.
Filmemacher/in: Masha Kirillova & Marie Francine Peralta
Dauer/Jahr: 02:00min / 2023

Lost! Episode 3 : Say Goodbye

20. September 2023 -

The third episode is about the loss experienced by Paul, a Berlin-based actor.
By coincidence, he encounters his lost friend in the middle of Tiergarten. Is it a real situation or a figment of his imagination?
„Kopfkino“ is a German word that literally means „head cinema.“ Inspired by the lyrics of „We will meet again“ by Ross C. Parker & Hughie Charles, a kind of „Kopfkino“ is installed in which he meets with his friend who died. By evoking the memory about the friend, a sense of theatrical stage such as green screen, microphone, and an actress playing the role of the friend intervenes in the everyday scene. This frame structure can be interpreted as a metaphor for an in-between space that mediates between reality and unreality, present and past, and the purgatory between life and death.
Filmemacher/in: Paul Riemann (Story)
Dauer/Jahr: 09:59min / 2021