Screening August 2022


17. August 2022 -

A thriller without narrative nor figurative image.
Filmemacher/in: Ivan Babinchak
Dauer/Jahr: 21:00min/2021

Achtung, Bombe!

17. August 2022 -

Ist ein tickendes Paket auf einer Bank im Park nicht verdächtig?
Filmemacher/in: Alexandra Vetter und Clemens Helmchen
Dauer/Jahr: 04:45min/2022
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The Anmelding

17. August 2022 -

Bascically it’s about the trouble of getting officially registered as a citizen in Berlin.
Filmemacher/in: Film Makers and Movie Nerds
Dauer/Jahr: 03:30min/2022

Last Reset

17. August 2022 -

Last Reset is a 2022 apocalyptic dystopian action short film written, produced, and directed by Sophia Kecir Camper, and starring Natalie Szende and Elena Stollina. It tells the story of two women in the pursuit of finding out the climate machine to reverse the course of climate catastrophes. This is an allegory and satire of the massively spread illusion that some magical technology will save the world once it’s too late, until then we can continue business as usual.
Filmemacher/in: Sophia Kecir Camper
Dauer/Jahr: 03:15min/2022