Screening Juli 2022

Idle Lands

20. Juli 2022 - (password: GODARIN2022)
Emiliano is a young Valencian boy who lives with his mother during the tumultuous years of the second republic. As the political and social tensions in the country increase, the consequences are also felt in the village and in Emiliano’s life, turning the vision of the world in which he lives upside down.
Filmemacher/in: Alejandro Caicedo
Dauer/Jahr: 15:00min/2022

Die Ringtauscherin

20. Juli 2022 - (Passwort: ring0749)
Eine junge Frau sieht sich gefesselt durch ihre kontrollsüchtige Mutter und eine toxische Beziehung, der sie zu entfliehen sucht, indem sie ihren unbedarften Nachbarn für ein Machtspiel ausnutzt.
Filmemacher/in: Henry Herrmann
Dauer/Jahr: 07:49min/2022

Man Lying On Ground

20. Juli 2022 -

This short film made on a shoestring budget, completely shot on Osmo, is about an aspiring novel writer who one day realizes that the universe and all life in it has no intrinsic meaning and the only guarantee he has as a sentient being is that his very brief existence will be replaced by the eternal void of no awareness after he dies. Realizing his terrifying insignificance and aloneness in the cosmos, he has succumbed to a numbing sense of futility. The short film captures his madness in memory flashes , mixing the style of Dogme 95 with voiceover, while he writes a suicide letter.
Filmemacher/in: Rahul Baghel/ Arun Patel
Dauer/Jahr: 13:38min/2019

My Hypervisible Love Affair

20. Juli 2022 -
The internet is where we now live. We build up dreamy universes weighing us down by the pressure of roles we strive to be on social media. ‘My Hypervisible Love Affair’ portrays the phenomenon of the intraviduals we have become, and how this affects our love lives. The story revolves around a young female split into various personas on social networks. She shows how the woman in the physical world with her multiple online avatars love, cheat, and lie to feel powerful and alive. This film is furthermore made in a collaboration between filmmaker Danting Chen and fashion designer Sandra Nielsen Capuzzi.
Filmemacher/in: Danting Chen, Sandra Capuzzi
Dauer/Jahr: 01:07min/2021

The Sky Alights

20. Juli 2022 -

Two Friends are left running from both Humanity and Extraterrestrials when lights descend from the sky.
Filmemacher/in: Garon Lehmann
Dauer/Jahr: 05:56min/2021

Now I See You

20. Juli 2022 -

Narrative music video, telling the story of a young boys memory of family tragedy.
Filmemacher/in: Gareth stack
Dauer/Jahr: 04:00min/2029

Tender Age

20. Juli 2022 -

A filmmaker goes to the Middle East after a breakup
Filmemacher/in: Jean-Michel Brawand
Dauer/Jahr: 21:00min/2022

Egal ist keine Meinung

20. Juli 2022 -

Musikvideo über eine Diskussion darüber, ob einem auch mal etwas egal sein darf.
Filmemacher/in: Herbert Hut
Dauer/Jahr: 03:00min/2021